Never had intimate contact with a man

"What about the others? In terms of scale?"

Xin Rong paused. She didn't really care about that.

In the past, she didn't dare to get too close to anyone other than her teammates. Hugging, kissing, sleeping, and moaning were all equivalent to handing her life to someone else. It's fine to put on an act, but to have real feelings is to court death.

However, she was not interested in playing around, so she had never had close contact with a man.

It wasn't that she hadn't thought about it before, but every time she saw a pretty boy and wanted to do something to satisfy him, that Crazy King would kill him first. He had a domineering expression on his face, as if he was the only man she could touch in the world!

She believed that saving a life was better than building a seven-story Pagoda, so she didn't harm anyone else.

Now that Tracy was asking about this, she really wanted to use this rare opportunity to experience the love between a man and a woman.