Chapter 1387-if you have something to say, say it, no touching

Gong mo stretched lazily. The phone on the table suddenly rang, which startled her.

She picked up the phone and heard Sheng nanxuan's voice. "Come to me,"

"Don't!" Gong mo refused directly.

Hadn't he tormented her enough last night? He even wanted to call her to the office? in his dreams!

"You'll regret it if you don't come." Sheng nanxuan said coldly and hung up.

Gong Mo's heart was in turmoil.

Although Sheng nanxuan did not know how to control himself in bed, he did it for her own good in all other aspects. He would not deliberately threaten her with words. After all, if he was exposed, he would be punished for sleeping in the study.

Although sometimes it was useless, because he would take her to sleep in the study with him!

However, most of the time, he still didn't dare to mess around. She was even afraid of herself when she got angry!

Gong mo dawdled for a while. When there was nothing else for her to deal with, she went to the top floor slowly.