Are you not satisfied with my performance?

Simon watched her walk into the living room, then went to the bathroom gloomily.

He looked at himself in the mirror-frowning, he was not handsome at all!

He frowned and suddenly felt relieved. She must love me so much that she woke up early in the morning to make breakfast!

Simon was instantly overjoyed. He washed his hands and went out. Xin Rong, who was sitting at the small table, called out to him, " "Come over and eat. I didn't know what you liked to eat, so I just made some."

She didn't know how to cook Chinese food, but she did know how to cook some Simple Western food. So, she made two cups of coffee and two sandwiches.

Simon had always eaten these, so he didn't feel anything wrong.

He sat opposite her and sized her up as he ate.

She didn't seem to feel any discomfort about what happened last night-she didn't reminisce about it, she didn't feel embarrassed, as if it was natural.

Simon was a little shy.