I'll give you a gift and apologize

Mi Fei covered her mouth and giggled, her eyes forming a crescent moon.

Xin Rong really couldn't judge a book by its cover.

She had originally liked Chen Mei's appearance more. Mi Fei was a little sharp and she didn't like her at first glance.

However, after listening to the conversation between the two, she realized that mifei was not as brainless as she seemed. As for Chen Mei, she pretended to be kind and harmless, but she was actually a traitor.

Fortunately, Mi Fei was a little scheming and didn't agree with Chen Mei. Otherwise, Chen Mei would definitely use her as a stepping stone in the future. What would today's friendship count for?


As expected, the crew packed up early and would continue filming in the afternoon.

Su Yisheng invited the main staff to dinner, but everyone knew that he was here for Yu Lin, so they all rejected him.

Su Yi Sheng left with Yu Lin, leaving the rest of the people to wait for their lunch.