What do you think of her?

When Xin Rong went to the set of " Mystery City, " Simon was also by her side. He was now fulfilling his duty as her assistant.

As soon as he entered the set, Xin Rong greeted the director.

A woman sitting next to the director turned around when she heard the sound.

Xin Rong glanced at Simon.

This person seemed to be Yu Qingliu's daughter, Yu Xinya? She seemed to be childhood sweethearts with a certain someone. Why was she here?

Simon didn't see her expression and asked Yu Xinya in surprise, " "What are you doing here?"

Yu Xinya stood up with a smile, sized Xin Rong up, and said, " "I'm a forensic consultant here."

Xi Meng saw that she didn't care about Xin Rong and knew that she thought Xin Rong was that kind of woman.

He wasn't willing to let Xin Rong suffer this kind of grievance. He immediately put his arm around her shoulder and said,"This is my Wanwan, my goddess, Xin Rong."