This child is especially easy to take care of

At this moment, Tong silu came back from school. Yao LAN quickly called Tong silu over to keep her company so that she could go and cook.

With Tong silu around, Tong annian was not afraid of strangers. Seeing that she wouldn't be able to hold him for a while, Tong Siyao went to pack her luggage and took out the clothes and toys she had bought for him.

look, " Tong silu said to Tong annian. mom bought you something good.

Tong annian stretched his neck and sneaked a peek.

Tong silu smiled. sister, " she called out to Tong Siyao. look! He's peeking at you.

Wu Wu Wu Wu ", Tong annian sprawled on the bed and crawled under the covers.

haha ... Tong silu laughed loudly. he's shy.

Tong annian was extremely angry. He pounced on the plastic doll she had given him and took a bite. Hmph! Youngest aunt is bad! He was badmouthing her.