Two nominations

Filmmakers all over the world were proud of winning the Golden Film Award.

The trophy for the Golden Shadow awards was shaped like a film film that was curved upward in a spiral, with a base at the bottom that was easy to place. The entire trophy was gold in color, and the year and name of the award were engraved on the " film.

Before the award ceremony officially started, the organizing committee announced the list of nominees to the public.

The films that were selected were first and foremost very artistic. However, the movies that could really win awards were mostly elegant and vulgar, and the box office was not weak either. If the box office suffered a crushing defeat, it would be difficult to win the award even if they were nominated.

Both 'Rouge' and 'world of martial arts' were the favorites of this award ceremony.'Rouge' received 11 nominations, while 'world of martial arts' received nine.