Chapter 1475-the drunk Xin Rong is cute

Su Yisheng was nominated for Best Male Lead, but he lost to someone else.

When Xin Rong saw his smile freeze, he was secretly pleased.

At this point, only the best Director and best film awards were left. And these two awards were 'river's Lake' and 'Rouge'.

For the previous awards, world of martial arts had won Best Screenwriter, Best Original Music, and Best Editing, while Rouge had won Best Newcomer, Best Supporting Actor, best fashion design, Best Cinematography, and best makeup. Rouge was far ahead of them!

In the end, the best Director and best film were both won by Rouge, which became the biggest winner of the night!

Mu Xia was all smiles in front of the reporters as he congratulated Lu Jia, but when he turned around, his face darkened.

The crew had originally prepared a celebration party, but he cursed, " we didn't win any awards. What's there to celebrate?!

The award-winning scriptwriter, soundtrack, and editor: “……”
