Tong Siyao is also in Emilia

Simon coughed and said mysteriously, " "Actually, she looks like this now."

Xin Rong looked at him in surprise.

"I'm not lying," he said softly.

He took out his phone and pulled out a photo from his photo album. It was a photo of dan Rong, Gambino, Yu qinghuan, and old K when they had spent the new year at sea that year.

"I heard that you used to work in the dark shadow. Do you know this person?" he pointed at old K.

Xin Rong was dazzled by Yu qinghuan's beautiful face. After a long while, his gaze fell on old K. He hesitated for a moment before saying, " "It's King Qian Qian."

yes! He really likes Auntie qinghuan.

"Doesn't he like men?" Xin Rong was stunned.

"Ah?" Simon was shocked.

Xin Rong chuckled. He could understand old K's change. After meeting such a beautiful and powerful fairy, it was normal to be straightened. Furthermore, the whip that Yu qinghuan had given her was old K's. She could imagine how old K had been conquered.