Father and son meet again (4)

"Maybe I wanted to marry you in my previous life but you didn't agree, so I'm taking revenge in this life."

"Nonsense!" Sheng Yiting said sternly, " you're such a good person. Why would I not agree? "

"Maybe you were blind in your past life?"

"Wuwuwuwu, what you said makes sense. I'm actually speechless!"

After a while, Sheng Yiting heard Yao LAN walking around the dining room. He said to Tong Siyao, " "Mom's done cooking. I won't chat anymore."

"Don't shout!" Tong Siyao lowered her voice.


Sheng Yiting hung up the phone and turned around to see Tong annian glaring at him with a Car model in his arms.

He was shocked, but then he was overjoyed. He squatted down and smiled. "Niannian, do you have something to say to daddy?"

Tong annian looked at him with deep hatred. Suddenly, he reached out and snatched the phone from his hand, shouting, " "This is grandma's!" Then, she ran to the kitchen.