Chapter 1581-terrorist attack

Tong annian pouted, his face full of disappointment. They said they were going to play together, but they were two big liars!

Sheng Yiting walked in, opened the closet door, and changed as he said, " "Three planes have been taken hostage by the terrorists. One is coming from M Nation, and two have just taken off. The situation is urgent, don't go out for the time being! No one knows what the terrorists are up to!"

Tong Siyao's body was cold, and the camera in her hand fell to the ground.

She knew the best possibility, but she could not guess the worst.

If everything went well, all three planes would have landed safely.

If it was bad, they didn't know where the Pi Xiu had crashed, and there was no one on the plane alive. If the Pi Xiu had crashed in a crowded place on the ground, who knew how many people would have died?

She hurriedly helped Sheng Yiting put on his clothes and tried to keep her voice calm. "Calm down."