How are you going to do what you said?

The media soon released their articles,"President Sheng Yiting gave a speech at Capital University's opening ceremony, intending to drag the terrorists out and beat them up to give everyone an explanation."

Everyone thought,"is this the rhythm of attacking Emilia?"

Tong Siyao went to the National television station for a meeting today.

The TV station wanted to make a documentary to record the consequences and effects of this terrorist attack and invited her to participate. If possible, she would be responsible for it. Firstly, she had the ability. Secondly, as the future Madam President, she had connections. With her around, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Halfway through the meeting, the station head went out to take a call and came back to say,"Madam Tong, I'm afraid I have to trouble you again."

"What is it?" Tong Siyao didn't put on any airs. Anyway, she wasn't Madam President now. Why did she have to put on airs?