A mumbling voice came from the side

The TV began to broadcast a special report on the border dispute, to educate the people that the land belonged to them, and to stimulate the People's patriotism.

find zhuoya " also had a documentary shooting plan, and Tong Siyao was in charge. Because it was not appropriate to announce this plan to the public at the moment, it was best for her to do this with her identity.

Tong Siyao went to Xi Yuan to look for Zhuo ya under the pretense of interviewing other news.

Sheng Yiting had sent his secret agents to follow her and protect her.

Due to the previous terrorist attack, there were fewer people traveling by plane and more people taking the train. Tong Siyao wanted to get more information from ordinary people, so she took the train.

After the train entered Western Plains, there were more and more Western Plains people around. Tong Siyao took the opportunity to ask about Zhuo ya.

She had only seen a photo of Zhuo ya's back, so how was she supposed to ask?