Could it be related to Lin weiqin?

Lin weiqin had come to see Tian Yuan, but Tian Cheng and CEng Shuai didn't even let him in. He made some desserts and soup for Tian Yuan, but the two of them didn't accept them. There was once when commander Zeng told him not to pester him and not to think about taking advantage of him a second time, and he stopped coming.

This summer vacation was especially long for Tian Yuan.

At first, she was in a daze for a few days, and then she was worried that she would get pregnant. She had been waiting for her period, but it didn't come on the day. She was so scared that she was out of her wits. It was because her period had been affected by the morning after pill.

It wasn't easy for her to make it to the start of school, and she suddenly felt like she had just survived a disaster.

She didn't have to think about anything else when she went to class.