You won't treat me better even in my dreams

Tian Yuan sat quietly on the sofa, drinking fruit juice.

The people around her were getting drunk and shouting, so she decided to leave the bar.

The coastline was brightly lit, like a burning belt of fire.

She walked forward and leaned on the railing. Below her was the sea, its waves sparkling.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The sea breeze blew past her temples, intoxicating her.

Suddenly, a hand pressed on her shoulder.

She was shocked and opened her eyes. She smelled alcohol.

Yuanyuan ... a hoarse voice murmured in his ear.

She suddenly turned her head and saw Lin weiqin looking at her with red eyes.

He reeked of alcohol and was clearly drunk.

She heaved a sigh of relief. It's good that you're not a stranger.

Lin weiqin cupped her face and smiled gently, then gently pulled her into his arms.