Can I slowly chase you?

"Didn't you want to take responsibility?" she asked, puzzled.

"Of course I want to, but you don't seem to care about this." He laughed at himself. I would like you to be responsible for me, ran ran.

Tian Yuan lowered her eyes. then why do you like me? "

Lin weiqin was stunned.

If you like someone, you like them. Why do you need a 'why'? He liked her as if it was an innate instinct, and he had never thought of the reason.

you clearly had a girlfriend in the past, ran ran, " Tian Yuan said.

"I broke up with her a long time ago!"

but after you broke up, you whined. Tian Qi paused. you've been thinking about her, haven't you? " I've been waiting for her, until the accident happened between us ..."

"No, I didn't!" Lin weiqin said sternly, " I've always liked you!

"Don't mess around, alright!" Tian Yuan shouted, " if you've always liked me, why would you date her?!

Lin weiqin's eyes flashed and his lips moved, but he didn't say anything.