Stay in hell forever

Le Yi, Lin weiqin's girlfriend from ten years ago, and his only girlfriend in this life, had broken up with her eight years ago.

Tian Yuan felt that Lin weiqin had remained single after they broke up, which meant that she had some weight in his heart. Her love for him might have just been an accident. How could she like him as much as he said?

If he really liked her, he wouldn't be with le Yi,

Obviously, she had forgotten that when Lin weiqin and le Yi started dating, she was only 13 years old.

Le Yi looked at Tian Yuan and smiled in surprise, " "It's you ..."

She looked at Lin weiqin strangely and looked back and forth a few times. She sighed and said, " "I didn't expect you two to be together."

"You're here for a date?" Lin weiqin looked at her.

Her face stiffened, and then she smiled. I was too excited to see an old friend. I would've forgotten if you hadn't reminded me.