To be honest, I'll give you a check

"Stop!" Lin weiqin jumped up from the bed and pointed to the door, " get out!

"What did you say?" yang danqi was stunned.

"Get out." Lin weiqin looked at her coldly, " I thought I heard wrong when I was drunk. I hope I won't hear it in the future. Otherwise, I won't even acknowledge you as my younger cousin!"

"Why?" Yang danqi shouted, "I-"

"I already have someone I like in my heart." Lin weiqin interrupted her.

"Is it le Yi?" yang danqi was stunned.

"If it's her, why should I break up with her?" Lin weiqin lowered his head, his temples throbbing. I broke up with her because there's someone I like. I'll never accept you, no matter who you are or whether you're my cousin.

Yang danqi took a deep breath and ran out of the room sadly.


Lin weiqin returned to the capital the next day and asked someone to check on le Yi's whereabouts. He didn't call her, but directly asked someone to bring le Yi to him.