Chapter 1795- 

Aiya, Yingluo! Xiao Mianmian blushed. you're injured, don't hug me.

"It won't affect Yingluo if you hug her."

"Do you still want to have dinner?" Xiao Mianmian asked with a straight face.

"Yes!" Sheng shuangxue hurriedly said.

Xiao Mianmian went out with the shopping bags.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door.

Sheng shuangxue felt that her life was very hard at this moment. She walked slowly with the wall as support. Her tailbone hurt with every step she took.

She opened the door and saw Gu Yunhao.

"What are you doing?" she asked, annoyed. Don't you know that it's very painful for me to walk?"

"I'm sorry, Yueyue." Gu Yunhao touched his nose. I wanted to ask if you really don't need my help with dinner? "

"Mianmian has already gone to buy groceries."

Hearing this, Gu Yunhao said sternly,"I must remind you about this." Mianmian has her own life. You shouldn't always trouble her. "