I've kissed Yingluo

ah Yingluo. she sighed gloomily, took out her phone, and replied to him in a bad mood: [ I hate you to death now! ]

[ Oh, I'm honored. ]

She felt that he was in a good mood when she saw the two wavy lines.

She pushed the breakfast aside, took out the documents from the drawer, and started to work.

Knock Knock-

There was a knock on the door.

"Captain?" Zhao looked up.

Sheng shuangxue froze and couldn't move.

"Morning." Gu Yunhao smiled and slowly walked to Sheng shuangxue's side. He put down her breakfast. yours.

Sheng shuangxue grabbed the bag, opened it, and started to gnaw on it.

He reached out and pressed her head, then turned around and left.

Sheng shuangxue touched her hair in dissatisfaction. She turned around and glared at him. Then, she turned her grief and anger into appetite and ate her bun with all her might.

As she was eating, she suddenly froze and looked down at the buns in the bag-why did she feel like one was missing?