I'll give you your daughter

"You're still flirting with girls at your age?" Gong mojiao glared at him.

I'm teasing you ~"he laughed.

Gong mo grabbed his neck on purpose. When his young assistant walked in, she released her hand immediately.

The assistant was used to it and nodded at the two of them. the president is here. The helicopter will be here soon.

Sheng nanxuan furrowed his brows. he's not busy with national affairs. What's he doing here?"

"Who told you to bring xiaxia here?" Gong mo burst into laughter.

When the two of them came over, they brought shengxia along. Sheng Yiting was also a daughter fanatic. Now that they had not seen each other for so many days, how could he not miss her?

"Isn't it good for me to take care of his child?" Sheng nanxuan snorted and glanced at her. you're speaking as if you're not carrying me.

Gong mo ignored him and said to his assistant, " go and bring xiaxia here. Get annian to pick up her father.