Don't I have you?

Handsome white was dumbfounded. He turned his head and looked at the white wall beside him.

There was a glass mirror behind the wall, but it was a one-way glass. One could not see the outside from here, but the outside could see inside.

Gu Yunhao, old Yang, and the others were standing outside. When they heard Sheng shuangxue's words, they were all speechless.

"What happened after that?" handsome white coughed and continued to ask.

the porridge is overcooked. I have nothing to live for, Qianqian, " Sheng shuangxue said. I've been here for almost a year. At first, I was supported by your girlfriend. Then, I was supported by my boyfriend, Qianqian, my ex-boyfriend, Qianqian.

She paused and recalled that Gu Yunhao had just said that they had not broken up yet. She wondered if she should fix this relationship.

The colleague from the city Police station was furious. Your relationships here are too messy! It's not suitable to handle the case at all!