You'll be under my control from now on

"It's fine. I'll move back to my original room." Gong Bai took a few steps forward and said helplessly, "didn't you notice that there are men's clothes in the closet?"

To be able to move in like this, he was really big-hearted.

"It's a pity that I don't like the other rooms" decorations!" The fire Phoenix snorted,"who knows what weird fetishes you have?"

"Forget it, you can stay. I'll take the clothes away."

"How long have you been living in that room?" the fire Phoenix was shocked and caught up to him.

"More than twenty years."

"It's been so long!" The fire Phoenix cried out, " then I won't stay here. Give me a new room!

Gong Bai glanced at her and said, " I don't have a new one for now. You can choose one first and ask someone to come here tomorrow to redesign and renovate it.

"Then I'll take the room that mom used to live in!" The fire Phoenix said immediately.

Gong Bai was stunned.