I want to take you on a trip

She turned around and looked at all the clothes in the store. She pointed at a few pieces and said, " "This, this, this Yingluo"

The shop assistant hurriedly went to get them and held them all in front of her. She asked in a flattering manner, " "Do I have to try all of them?"

I look good in anything. What's the point of trying it on? " Phoenix cried out in dissatisfaction.

"Then I'll wrap it up for you!"

She sneered and crossed her arms. "Who told you to wrap it up?"

The shop assistant looked at Gong Bai and thought to himself,"then, what about Gong Bai? Don't play with me when you're having a conflict. I still have to do business!

"Other than these, pack up the rest!" Phoenix waved her hand.

The shop assistant's eyes widened in disbelief, and then she cried with joy and said loudly, " "Alright!"

Phoenix looked at Gong Bai smugly, waiting to see if he would regret his decision.

Gong Bai took out his bank card silently.