Chapter 1948- 

Yu qinghuan immediately got up and pulled up her clothes.

Her mind went blank and she felt a little scared.

She had escaped from shengzhongtian's evil claws, but was she going to be defiled by this person again?

No. 1 pounced on the door and started to smash it.

"Let's retreat first and lock all the doors!" Liu Xuelan said from outside the door.

The group of people immediately retreated and locked the door.

In the corridor outside the gate, there was a barrier falling down every one meter. No. 1 could break one, but not all.

However, these barriers couldn't be activated anytime and anywhere, because they were too troublesome. As such, they were prepared in case the experimentals lost control. The experimentals would not be used unless they lost control or something unexpected happened.

Yu qinghuan knew that this was because the facilities here were not good enough.