Then wouldn't I be climbing up the social ladder?

Sheng Ling opened the door and walked out. She saw that the computer was still on in the operation room, and there were two servings of food on the table.

He grabbed the rice and strode into the small room, closing the door behind him. Then, he walked in front of Yu qinghuan and handed her the rice.

Yu qinghuan had not experienced hunger for many, many years. She couldn't stand being hungry for the past two days. She quickly took a portion and opened it, eating without caring about her image.

There were only two meals a day in the laboratory, and they were almost never full. They were often in a state of hunger. However, after a long time, hunger was nothing. The experiments were more painful.

After eating, she said,"you can't continue to be so impetuous. Otherwise, they'll be very guarded against you. They might even give up on you and kill you." You have to calm down slowly, but once you do, they'll definitely take me away immediately."