Will you marry me?

Yu qinghuan was shocked. She had a bad feeling and quickly went back to turn off the water.

ah! Sheng lingren roared.

Yu qinghuan knew that he had acted up again, so she rushed in.

She pushed the door open and saw him standing facing the wall with his arms against the wall, the veins on his skin exposed.

However, he was not wearing any clothes.

Yu qinghuan was stunned at the door.

Bang! Bang!

The Sheng Ling people raised their fists and smashed them on the wall.

Yu qinghuan took a deep breath and walked in with a calm expression, gently closing the door behind her.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked as she walked to his side.

Sheng Ling froze and turned to look at her. In a flash, his breathing became heavier.

Yu qinghuan was shocked.

Could it be that she was no longer able to calm him down?

She couldn't help but take a step back. Sheng Ling pulled her into her arms and hugged her tightly."Don't go!"

Yu qinghuan was stunned.