I only want to do what I like

The door was pushed open, and Yu Qingliu appeared.

He looked at Yu qinghuan with a complicated expression and paused before saying, " "Sister, we're looking for you."

"I'll come after I change my clothes." Yu qinghuan said.

Yu Qingliu nodded and immediately closed the door.

Yu qinghuan had changed into a dress, and her waist was a little loose. She put on her high heels and spun around in front of the mirror, almost twisting her foot.

"Be careful!" Wu surong called out.

Yu qinghuan smiled. it's nothing. Yingluo hasn't worn it for a long time. I'm not used to it.

She suddenly thought of the little life in her stomach and hurriedly took it off, changing into a pair of flat shoes. "Forget it, I'll just wear this."

"That's right, be careful." Wu surong heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then I'll go first."

"Don't you need us to go?"