Don't abandon me

"When did you prepare this?" Yu qinghuan was shocked.

"When I can't be without you." He cupped her face and kissed her on the forehead.

"I look really ugly now, don't I?" Yu qinghuan laughed bitterly.

He paused and immediately put on a straight face,"you still dare to say that!" Look at you, you're not even wearing your shoes!"

As he spoke, he carried her up and placed her on the bed. He turned around and went to the bathroom, his voice trembling with anxiety."You're still wearing such thin clothes. What if you fall sick?"

After a while, he came out with a Wet Hot towel and wrapped it around her feet. He said angrily, " forget about wearing high heels. You still dare to not wear them now?!

you're already so fierce to me when I just proposed. Yu qinghuan looked at him unhappily, as if she was going to take off the ring.

Sheng lingren threw down the towel and hugged her. "Don't ..."

Yu qinghuan's movements froze.