Sheng nanxuan's mischievous memory (4)

"She touched my things." Sheng nanxuan said, feeling wronged.

you! Yu qinghuan's head hurt. She turned back to the living room, picked Yu Xinran up, and said, " stop crying. Little brother is disobedient. I won't play with him in the future."

"It's fine, it's fine," Wu surong said, " he's just a kid. It's normal for him to be noisy. He'll be fine in a while.

aiyoyo, " Yu qinghuan sighed. I don't know what's wrong with nanxuan, but he doesn't like to play with others. When others come to play with him, he'll beat them up!"

"Isn't this the same as when Qingliu was young?" Wu surong looked at Yu Qingliu.

"Do you think I would make a girl cry?" Yu Qingliu was unconvinced.

"No, not really. If you dare to bully a girl, your sister will beat you up!"

pfft-" Yu qinghuan laughed. I've forgotten.

that Nan Xuan bullied a girl, " Yu Qingliu said. you should beat him up too!

"I gave birth to it myself, so I can't bear to."