Meeting a handsome guy on the plane

Sheng nanxuan was a little reluctant to leave a small place like Nanjiang. He felt that he would leave behind something important if he left.

But Sheng Xixi was overjoyed. When the adults moved, she circled Sheng nanxuan with the doll in her hand. "I'm going to see grandma!"

"Sheng Xixi!" Sheng nanxuan felt a headache coming on. you're making me dizzy!

Sheng Xixi stopped and looked at him pitifully.

He held his forehead helplessly. He really couldn't stand her little gaze, so he had to compromise."You can spin! Spin!"

Sheng Xixi shouted and continued to circle around him happily. "Big brother is so good! I love big brother the most!"

"You Lackey!" Sheng nanxuan scolded,"daddy will cry if he finds out!

teehee ~"Sheng Xixi made faces at him and stuck out her tongue.

Sheng lingren and Yu qinghuan took out the last of their luggage, locked the door, and said to the two,""Alright, get in the car."

"Don't you want the house?" Sheng nanxuan asked.