Yu Xinran gets married

Hearing that, Sheng Xixi pouted. dad, " she said. do you dislike me? " You don't love me at all, Yingluo."

"No, I do love you." but I love your mother more, " Sheng lingren said. That's why I don't want anyone to disturb me when I'm traveling with your mother."

Sheng Xixi: " Yingluo. she was caught off guard by a big bucket of dog food. She was stuffed.

pfft-" Sheng nanxuan chuckled at the side.

Yu qinghuan looked at Sheng lingren helplessly. "Can you not seek death? Do you believe that I won't go?"

"Honey, I was wrong!" Sheng Ling was stunned. How could it be called a honeymoon if she went alone?


During the spring Festival, many people came to visit.

Yu Xinran and Lu Yang came together with the wedding invitation.

The two of them had been dating for seven to eight years, and they would get married soon.

Yu qinghuan smiled at Lu Yang. you acted so quickly. After so many years, you've finally seen the light.