Sheng Xixi's love (2)

pin fan, pin fan ~ even the name sounds so nice. It feels like it has a fairy-like aura. It must be a good, man, who has a clean body ~"

"He's so calm, I can tell at a glance that he's an abstinent Prince Charming, he definitely won't mess around! He wondered what it would be like when it became wild. This Baobao will definitely not be able to take it!"

Sheng Xixi,"Yingluo."

This was crazy! They were all crazy!

Wasn't it just pin fan? Other than being good at drawing, what else was there to be redeeming about?

But the next day, Sheng Xixi still went to the art exhibition first.

Pin fan was a famous young artist in the world. Among those of the same level of fame, he was the youngest. Among his peers, he was the most famous, and his status was a few hundred steps higher.

The starting price of one of his paintings was a few million, and it was the kind of painting where people would rush to buy it even if he drew a line.