Sheng Xixi's love (53)

Half a year later, New Year's Day.

Glory world Corporation would hold a New Year charity dinner on this day every year.

This year, Sheng Xixi had decided to bring pin fan to the event.

In the afternoon, she dressed up at home and went downstairs.

Yu qinghuan and Sheng lingren were having tea in the living room. When she saw her, Sheng lingren said sourly, " You're dressed so beautifully. People who don't know you might think you're getting married today.

Sheng Xixi walked over with a smile, opened her arms and asked, " "Is it good?"

Sheng lingren looked at it carefully for a while and said,""You're just a little worse than your mom."

Yu qinghuan couldn't help but smile. "Quickly sit down."

Sheng Xixi quickly sat down beside her and held her arm. when the low-level Brahman comes, you guys should be gentler ~"

Pin fan was coming to pick her up, and she wanted to take this opportunity to visit them officially.