Chapter 11 Can You Diagnose Illnesses?

Song Tianmo shot her a sidelong glance, a smirk playing on his lips, and with a squeeze of the accelerator, he propelled the car forward like an arrow released from its bow.

Releasing a sigh, Ling Fei slumped against the backrest of her seat, glittery orbs in her eyes, silently gazing at the rearview mirror.

Chu Luo's car and hers were moving in opposite directions, farther and farther apart, until it disappeared from sight.

The two acquaintances, familiar only in body, sat in silence. Ling Fei gazed out the window, her hands reflexively crossing over her chest, slightly relaxing in her seat.

While driving, Song Tianmo glanced at her; an unpleasant furrow fell between his brows. The neckline of her white dress wasn't high, and her crossed arms accentuated her delicate curves even more. More of her fair skin was exposed and visible.


She was seducing him, regardless of time or place!

Shifting his gaze, he stared straight ahead, hands tightly gripping the wheel, his mind increasingly restless… until he abruptly hit the brakes and the car came to an abrupt halt.

Ling Fei let out a squeal, her body lurching forward.

If she hadn't been wearing her seatbelt, her head would have come inches from hitting the windshield. Dumbfounded, she snapped back to reality and shot Song Tianmo a glare, "What on earth are you doing? Can't you drive properly?"

Her eyes darted back to the window almost instantly, realizing three-position that they had arrived in a very secluded place.

There was no one in sight.

Nothing but towering trees around—quiet and serene.

In the summer, this would have been a good place to avoid the heat. Although…why would he bring her here?

As she slightly turned her head, she met an intense, penetrating gaze.

Her heart skipped a beat.

She wanted to run away.

This man was too aggressive, and they were in the middle of nowhere. The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became, riddled with regret.

She reached out to untangle the seat belt around her.

Because of her nervousness, her hands were trembling; it took her a while before she managed to unbuckle the seat belt completely.

Relieved, she moved her hand swiftly towards the car door.

She pushed, but it wouldn't budge.

The door was locked.

She turned to face the man beside her, who was leaning towards her, and cast an inscrutable look at him.

"You said you were taking me to the hospital. Why are we here? Where are we? Let me...umm...umm…."

Before she could finish her sentence, her mouth was vigorously silenced.

Ling Fei's fists pounded against his back, but it was to no avail; her punches posed no threat to Song Tianmo. Unable to free herself from his clutches, her blows weakened until they slid down his back....

Song Tianmo sensed something was off.

He opened his eyes to see the woman in his arms. Her black hair was scattered, eyes tightly shut, and her face was deathly pale, as if devoid of any signs of breathing.

"How is she doing?"

"She's fine."

"How is she still unconscious if she's fine? You quack! Can you even diagnose a patient properly?"


"Can you do this or not? If you can't, leave and find someone else!"

"Song Tianmo! Mr. President Song, if I'm such a quack, why did you rush to bring her here? It's not like I forcibly dragged you here by your leg."

"Hmph, I must have overestimated you earlier! Are you sure she doesn't have any internal injuries? Did you miss anything? Take her to the examination room and check again!"

"Check again? Where else should I check? Heart, liver, spleen, lungs, legs, head, everything has been checked. Where else could it be? Between her legs? Cut it out. I said there's nothing wrong with her but you're still unsatisfied… Are you hoping I'll find some issue? So what if you hit a woman with your car, do you really need to make a big fuss over this? You even personally brought her here. Ha, Mr. Song, this doesn't sound like you at all."