Chapter 15: Deserving of A Lesson

Since Liu Ru Xue entered the Ling Family, everyone was exceedingly warm and favorable towards her.

Even to the point of exceeding their regard towards her own biological daughter.

Especially her father who has since her childhood treated her with such extreme indulgence, unable to bear any slight wrong against her.

For Liu Ru Xue's intentional and unintentional acts of always making Ling Qing Ya give in to her, they turned a blind eye and tacitly acknowledged it, which stirred Ling Qing Ya to harbor a grudge against her.

She did not dare to deal with her explicitly.

Especially in front of her father, every time Liu Ru Xue would always speak up for her, and the one who ended up being blamed was always Liu Qing Ya.

Later on, Liu Qing Ya wised up.

When she was home filled in jealousy, she would just coldly glare at her and grit her teeth in secret, simply showing her no good face.

Once she stepped outside the house, she tried all means to trip her up.

Pity that Ling Fei, being the young mistress of the Ling Family, was not an easy prey either. She did not like to proactively make trouble for others, but she was best at repaying with tooth for a tooth, eye for an eye.

After suffering a few times from Ling Qing Ya, she somewhat learnt her lesson. However, since her father fainted, she has grown significantly bolder.

Looks like she needs to be taught a lesson again!

Looking at Ling Qing Ya effortlessly escaping from her stepmother's hand, Ling Fei couldn't help but curve her lips into a cold smile.

She was naive and innocent in the past.

She used to genuinely believe that her stepmother was sincerely on her side.

But a cold glance today didn't miss that fact, her stepmother's hand movement to slap Ling Qing Ya was deliberately slow. This was not an earnest attempt to hit Ling Qing Ya, it was clearly intentional to let her escape.

After Ling Qing Ya ran away, Liu Ru Xue lightly reprimanded her few words, then told Ling Fei not to take it to heart. She would definitely look for an opportunity to teach her a lesson. Just as she quickly changed the subject, she furrowed her brows worriedly, asking about last night's matter.

"Last night at the banquet, I received a call from a classmate who had an urgent matter, so I left early and stayed over at my classmate's house." Ling Fei lowered her gaze, speaking softly.

The corner of her eye, however, caught Ling Qing Ya secretly eavesdropping from a corner.

"Which classmate?" Liu Ru Xue's expression was gentle as if she believed her words, but she relentlessly pursued the question.

Ling Fei bit her beautiful red lip, then lifted her eyes to meet her gaze. She hesitated before saying a very close classmate's name, dropped the name, and quickly went upstairs.

Of course, she did not just randomly mention a name, she had arranged an alibi with her classmate earlier, and her friend happily cooperated, thinking that she just wanted to hang out and didn't want to return home.

It might not be good to deceive a good friend, but concerning last night's event, she did not want to disclose it to anyone yet.

The steps behind her were getting closer.

Ling Fei quivered, quickening her steps. Reaching the second floor, she opened her bedroom door, entered, and promptly shut the door.

Sounds of knocking followed.

Then the door was pushed open, Liu Ru Xue walked in with a worried expression, closing the door behind her.

"Fei, you need to tell me honestly, did you really go to your classmate's house last night? I tried calling you all night, but couldn't get through. know, your father is still in the hospital unconscious, if anything happened to you, he would be heartbroken when waking up. How would I even explain to your father?"

After interrogating her several times and seeing Ling Fei still silent, her eyebrows furrowed, a flash of iciness appeared in her eyes.

Ling Fei kept her in suspense for a few minutes before lifting her head to sorrowfully recount last night's events.

"Zhou Shao Hong, this beast! So much for knowing a man's face but not his heart! Who would have expected such a person from him! Oh Fei, thankfully you are okay." Upon hearing this, Liu Ru Xue was both shocked and furious, cursing Zhou Shao Hong through gritted teeth, then comforting Ling Fei in her arms.