Chapter 103: If massaging my stomach is useful, why would I still need you?

He was instantly struck dumb with surprise.

Did Song Tianmo just express concern about someone having menstrual cramps? And at such a late hour?

Could he possibly have a woman by his side?

"It's just period cramping. Why get worked up about it? There are so many women suffering from this every month, you just rough it out and it'll be over. It's nothing serious!"

He couldn't resist gossiping, speculating who the woman by Song Tianmo's side could be. Oddly enough, an image of Ling Fei came to mind.

Unfortunately, he had no way of confirming it.

Liu Shao Xuan felt somewhat regretful.

From the phone came the sound of a woman groaning in pain. The breathing of Song Tianmo on the other end of the line seemed to thicken in response to the struggle.

"What do you mean, 'it's nothing serious'? One is suffering from menstrual cramps and you can't do anything. You really are a quack cab!"

Another quack hat scores as Song Tianmo's voice turns frosty, clearly showing his bad mood.