Chapter 219: Terror in the Restroom

Knowing that Qin Min Yu was Ling Fei's agent, everyone couldn't hide the envy on their faces.

Qin Min Yu was also extremely good at socializing.

She was well-liked.

Many people knew her, and could engage her in conversation. With Qin Min Yu's exceptional skills in socializing, Ling Fei quickly acquainted herself with more than half of the people in the hall.

Just as she expected.

With the exception of Su Chen, the big shots only arrived after seven. The most notorious of those latecomers was Meng Zhen Ni, who didn't arrive until after all the directors and investors did.

Even though Su Chen arrived early, he soon disappeared after chatting with a few people, only to reappear when the party started.

Meng Zhen Ni was actually several years older than Ling Fei.