Chapter 264: Coming to the Door

And the person to be monitored... was far away, or within reach, wasn't it? He suddenly turned his head and looked sharply at Liu Shao Xuan.

Liu Shao Xuan stiffened instantly under the penetrating gaze of Old Master Song.

A sudden sense of foreboding washed over him.

Knock! Knock!

The faint knocking on the door broke the silence.

Liu Shao Xuan was standing not far from the door. He opened it casually, and an all-too-familiar figure walked in.

If it wasn't Old Master Zhong, who just celebrated his seventieth birthday, who else could it be?

Old Master Zhong was not alone; his granddaughter, Zhong Qing, recently returned from studying in the United States, was accompanying him.

Liu Shao Xuan recognized the visitors, and Old Master Zhong recognized him as well, offering him a friendly nod with a smile.

"Senior Officer, I heard you were ill. What seems to be the problem? Just a few days ago when I saw you, weren't you quite well?"