Aunt Kong filled a cup of boiled water for Su Lian Wei and personally brought it upstairs to her. Fearing it might not be enough for her, Aunt Kong also filled a thermos and brought with her.
When Ling Fei and Song Tian Mo were about to head upstairs, Su Lian Wei also began making her way up, accompanied by Aunt Kong.
In their hands were the royal jelly and honey that Pei Qiu Yin had given Su Lian Wei. As they reached the stairwell on the third floor, Ling Fei and Song Tian Mo went right.
Su Lian Wei and Aunt Kong turned left.
By the time they reached the doorway, Kong Ma's laughter floated softly into the room, "Miss Su, this is indeed good stuff. The lady eats it every year, it's very nourishing. Having a couple of drinks mixed with water every day will ensure your skin stays as smooth and tender as the lady's."
Ling Fei paused in her steps and turned around. Casual as it seemed, her eyes couldn't help but drift back to Aunt Kong, who was halfway in the door.