Jumping Into the Lake

The next morning, a ray of sunlight shone through the glass window as Shen Chengjing slowly opened her eyes.

"God! I can't believe I had such a dream." She covered her mouth as she looked around the room. 'Where was Moh Yanchen?'

She dreamed that she had kissed him last night.

At the thought of it, she pinched herself hard. She had only known him for a short time, but she was already having such a dream? It was simply too embarrassing. 

After she changed her clothes, she carefully went downstairs. If he wasn't in the large Moh Park, where would he be?

Early winter mornings were dangerously chilly. She carried her bag as she walked out the door. It was so chilly that she started to shiver. However, when she remembered that today was her first day in the production team, she was both excited and nervous.

At nine o'clock, after she showed up for the production, she did not expect to meet Zhou Qing.