Be careful, I'll Sue you for slander

"You said the thing is gone?" Shen chengjing stopped in her tracks.

"Right! Young master Wang is looking into it, he should be able to find it soon. " The assistant was very confident that this was not a difficult task.

However, Shen chengjing didn't think so. What was she thinking, trying to trick Liu Sijie so openly? She suddenly turned around and walked out.

Mrs. Mo. "

"You go ahead, I'll walk around by myself." Shen chengjing said as she called Liu Sijie.

Liu Sijie was rushing to the surveillance room when she received a call from her. Shen chengjing asked her about it, and she told her the truth.

"You mean eight natural stars of the sea? Seven natural pearls, right?" Shen chengjing wanted to confirm.

"Yes," Liu Sijie said.

"I know." Shen chengjing hung up the phone and walked toward the entrance.