I like it rough

She raised her eyebrows flirtatiously and smiled seductively, especially her charming Phoenix eyes. The electric waves in her eyes could almost electrocute him to death!

"Oh? Gentleness is boring, I like rough things. " Jiang Yuanyuan said with a smile.

She had already calculated that since this man was so shameless, she would teach him a lesson!

"How is it?" As she spoke, she reached out to pick up the dress and pulled it gently. The dress fell slowly, but it was stuck in front of her chest.

The man kept swallowing his saliva as he stared at her. He reached out and was about to take off her skirt, but she reached out and grabbed his hand."Why are you in such a hurry? Eh? You can't eat hot tofu in haste!"

"I can't wait." Zhou Yuncheng said, stood up, and took off his clothes first.

She lay on the bed and tried to hold back her laughter.