Chapter 2113-enough

As mo qinyong thought of this, he felt that he had to leave now. He needed to return to the mo residence to sort out his emotions before he could see her again.

"Don't pull me. " Ruyan li was dragged away before she could finish her sentence.

As Mo Yan walked down, a 'ze raised his guard and looked at him.

"Elder mo, I want to marry Zi tan." He said.

Mo Yan pursed his lips and didn't make a sound. He walked to the sofa and sat down. He looked up at ah ze and remained silent.

"Elder mo." Seeing this, ah ze walked forward and sat beside him, sitting there solemnly.

Shen chengjing got up, walked to mo Zitan's side, and held her hand.

"Sister-in-law, did my parents just marry me off?" mo Zitan asked in a low voice.

Why do I feel like I'm in a dream? it's so unreal! He felt like he was in a dream.

"It seems so."

She sneaked a glance at Mo Yan, who was lighting a cigar and looking deeply at ah ze. He pursed his lips and asked,""You want to marry mo Zitan?"