Mo Wen is also a hooligan

This phone was not hers. It was obviously mo Wen 's. Moreover, she was casually flipping through the photos and accidentally pressed on one. There was a photo of mo Wen half-naked.

Her little face was burning hot. She saw mo Wen lean over and ask her,""Is it good? If you like it, I'll send it to you. You can read it every day. "

"Who wants to see it?" She said as she threw the phone to him.

After mo Wen took it, he said to her,"there are still a few pictures without any clothes. Ah ze, this little rascal. He forced me to take them."

When she heard him say "naked," she threw a punch at him and shouted,""Mo Wen, get out of the car! I don't want to see you anymore. "

"Why do you always blush when you see me?" mo Wen was very depressed as he listened.

When she heard this, she retracted her hand and covered her face.