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"So, brother Yan, do you mean that it's feasible?" As mo Wen listened, he stretched out his hand to take the document and continued to flip through it, as if he was afraid of missing something.

Mo Yancheng walked to the side, rolled up his sleeves, and served two cups of coffee. He handed one cup to mo Wen.

"The gong family has deep roots, but Gong ze has no ambitions. Elder Gong is worried that the gong family's business won't be able to achieve what he wants after he passes away." Mo Yancheng said in a low voice.

Elder Gong's gaze and words from yesterday's situation made it seem like he was leaving his last words.

The gong family would be inherited by Gong ze sooner or later, and Gong ze was not a bad person. He was not ambitious enough and was deeply afraid ...

"Knock, knock." At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Mo Wen got up and walked forward to open the door. He saw Gong ze standing outside and looking inside.