P10 in the Special Department!

Xue Xi was unaware of the chaos at home.

At this moment, she had already returned to the dormitory. Because she had promised Xiang Huai that she would not study today, she could only lie on her bed and stare blankly at the ceiling.

Why is life so boring when you can't read?!

Xue Xi turned around.

It was only 10:30 PM and she had already showered and brushed her teeth. However, she usually slept at 12 AM, so she could not sleep now.

Xue Xi sighed and turned around.

In the end, she simply took out her phone.

After she comforted Little Flame, although Little Flame did not speak, Xue Xi could still see the determination in his eyes.

Little Flame wanted to join the special department.

She could tell from his eyes.

However, the reason why he rejected it was probably because he had yet to avenge his parents.

Xue Xi sighed.