Chapter 5: Who does she think she is, a big star?

"But what but! We hate it when people act all superior, who do you think you are! Everyone has to abide by the law, and you're not exempt just because you have a suspicion of violating it!" The young man's face turned red as he bluntly interrupted her.

It's always 'do you know who I am, do you know who I am?'

Who cares who she is, is being pretty such a big deal? Is having money and power so impressive? Seen plenty like her, does she think she's some kind of big star that everyone should know?

Wen Xian was always quick-witted, with a sharp tongue, but now she was so taken aback by the young man's retort that she stood dumbstruck, her face turning beet red and her fingertips trembling, "You, you you you..."


A cold voice mercilessly cut in, Lu Xiao glanced at her, icy and detached, "Since you refuse to cooperate, then just wait here for the law enforcement team to arrive!"

With that, he turned and left.

"Damn it!"

Wen Xian was so furious she jumped out of bed, not even caring about her injury, and rushed toward the door, only to be unceremoniously locked inside with a loud bang.

Wen Xian slapped the door desperately, screaming, "Open the door! Open it now! Let me out; you have no right to restrict my personal freedom!"

An unsympathetic voice came from outside the door, "Save those words for the law enforcement team."

Wen Xian was livid, listening to the receding footsteps outside, she went into full fishwife mode, hurling insults, "You motherfucker come back here!!! Think you're so great because you're a captain? Even the toughest men are born of women, stop putting on airs around me!"

Her fishwife tirades clearly made their way through the door into the hallway.


The eighteen-year-old stumbled and hit his head against the door.

The tall man paused in his stride.

Lu Xiao's expressionless gaze swept over to Sang Nian, who was clutching his head and stuttering with a flushed face, "Boss, boss, what did she just say...?"

Had he misheard something, or misunderstood?

Even though it was a place seldom visited by women, Sang Nian wondered if she might be a third gender.

Lu Xiao: "Do you want to hear her say it again?"

Saying this, he cast a casual glance over his shoulder at the room behind him.

From inside, the frenzied banging on the door and the woman's curse-laden shrieks could still be faintly heard.

Sang Nian quickly shook his head like a rattle, the eighteen-year-old flushed with embarrassment, "No, no need, this woman, she's just too, too wild."

Can't deal with her, better leave it to the law enforcement team.

The law enforcement team was from the state's restricted area, and she really wouldn't be able to play games when in their hands.


Inside the room.

Wen Xian was so angry she paced back and forth in the room, her chest heaving violently, not even caring about her wound.

The ruckus left her hair disheveled, and as a few soft strands fell over her forehead, she swiped at them impatiently before gritting her teeth and starting to search for her personal belongings.

Great, there was nothing in the room; her cellphone, wallet, car keys, all gone.

Wen Xian took a deep breath, afraid she might actually die of rage—she hadn't been treated this way in years.

Everywhere she went, she was surrounded by countless people; a crowd would rush to offer her tea, water, massages, and shoulder rubs the moment she sat down.

With a casual request for a cigarette, numerous men would scramble to light it for her.

In the entertainment industry, although she was famous, no one truly dared to cross her; they were no match for her.

She could punch the Nanshan Nursing Home and kick the Beihai Kindergarten with no fear; no one dared to mess with her, nobody!

And now—