Chapter 9: The Impartial Lu Squadron

He paused then: "Unless you want to stay here forever."

After saying that, he slightly raised his chin, standing straight and tall.

His skin was a healthy wheat color, his jawline taut and contours smooth and flawless, making his Adam's apple even more pronounced.

He was cold, handsome, and ruggedly weather-beaten in a way that set him apart.

He exuded a strong male pheromone, which was completely different from the squeaky-clean young boys in the entertainment circle.

Wen Xian was originally angry listening to him, but he had leaned so close just now, his potent male scent filling her...

It made the anger in her belly mysteriously dissipate somewhat.

She kept a composed face, but her voice unintentionally faltered: "..."

Lu Xiao's eyelids dropped as they met hers: "..."

Wen Xian averted her gaze, deliberately rolling her eyes at him, and murmured, "How dare he act so arrogant even when he's in the wrong? I'll just stay right here then, let's see what he can do to me...!"

Lu Xiao remained composed, "I won't do anything to you, but the cafeteria auntie just finished cooking, you can come down to eat."

With that, he turned to leave.

Wen Xian choked up, she was really hungry after that long ordeal, yet her pride was at stake: "I'm not going! I'd rather starve than eat your food!"

Lu Xiao paused his steps but only for a second, then he continued on and opened the door without looking back.

Outside, Sang Nian flashed her a partly friendly yet somewhat awkward grin showing his white teeth: "Ah, dinner is on the first floor, our cafeteria mom makes really delicious big meat buns."

After saying that, he hurriedly followed their boss.

Wen Xian: "..."

Gurgle, her stomach growled louder.


Wen Xian gritted her teeth, this was all deliberate, wasn't it!

In the corridor.

"Boss, is she really not going to eat? Look at her, thin arms and legs, and she's a big star, what if she starves!"

Sang Nian said worriedly, clearly having heard something.

Lu Xiao suddenly stopped in his tracks ahead.

Sang Nian nearly bumped into him.

He thought their boss might do something but instead, he faced forward sternly, coldly declaring, "I don't care about her status, here there are no big stars! Everyone must be treated normally without any special treatment!"

Afterward, he glanced at the door: "She can eat or not eat, it's not like anyone's stopping her!"

Sang Nian watched his boss's retreating figure: "..."

The corner of his eye twitched involuntarily; no matter her status, she was still a woman. No wonder he had no girlfriend, such lack of compassion and courtesy!


The cafeteria was also on the first floor, since their shifts rotated, only about a dozen ate there each day.

They, the captain typically ate late, and he was just now going to the cafeteria window to get his meal.

Sitting in a corner of the cafeteria nibbling on a large bun, Sang Nian suddenly looked up and froze.

The one who swore she wouldn't eat their food had come down???

"Anian, what are you looking at?"

Zha Xi asked from opposite him, turning his head as he spoke but upon looking, his eyes widened suddenly, his buttocks retreated, he lost his balance, and he went crash! directly to the floor.

The commotion drew the gaze of other team members, and upon seeing that figure, they were all simultaneously stunned, taken aback.

There she was, a woman, to be precise, an exceedingly beautiful woman.

Her hair slightly curled, she wore a beige loose sweater with a wide neckline, casually revealing a sexy clavicle and one round, tender shoulder.

Below she wore navy blue denim jeans with black knee-high boots.

The jeans hugged her slender straight legs, outlining her elegant curves perfectly.

[Jiuge: Captain Lu, remember what you said, no partiality! (dog head)]