Chapter 13: Tonight he is Land Dog

Wen Xian silently stared at the sweet potato in her hands, frozen for a minute, before suddenly entering the house without a word, not even glancing back.

"Hey! Captain Lu! Who was that girl just now? She went inside as soon as I came."

Uncle Li from the mailroom asked curiously, watching Wen Xian's departing figure.

Lu Xiao withdrew his gaze and said nonchalantly, "It's nothing, she was just holding a sweet potato too."

"Ah!? She was holding a sweet potato too!?"

Uncle Li, who was quite astute, instantly realized what happened and hurriedly said with regret, "Oh dear, Captain Lu, why didn't you give me a heads-up? That must have made the girl so embarrassed!"

Lu Xiao fell silent briefly, then coolly said, "It's fine, what you said was pretty good."

Old man Li: "..." ???

Lu Xiao said nothing more, instead, his gaze fell on the small wolf pup, watching the little one eat ravenously, a rare warmth flickering in his eyes.

Hmm, it really did seem to be enjoying its meal.


Wen Xian stood by the window, looking down at the man who was with the puppy, clenching the curtain and couldn't help but grind her teeth: "You're the puppy, your whole family are puppies, you're the most puppy-like, you're damn Lu Dog!"

The Lu Xiao downstairs seemed to sense something and abruptly looked up in her direction—

Wen Xian's teeth-grinding was caught in the act: "..."

In an instant, she returned to her expressionless facade and sharply shut the window with a bang.

With a swoosh, she drew the curtains closed once more.

The Lu Xiao downstairs: "..."

His gaze serene, he retracted his eyes and once again focused on the small puppy at his feet. He bent down to pat its little head and scratched its chin.

The little pup, with its round, gleaming eyes, looked up at him excitedly, wagging its tail and licking his hand, rubbing against the palm of his hand as if it liked him very much.

Even Lu Xiao's cool voice softened: "Good girl."


Upstairs fell into darkness; Wen Xian didn't turn on the light and just flopped onto the fairly small bed.

Truth be told, although the accommodations here were quite basic, they were clean and tidy, plus the natural scenery of the Tibetan Area was exceptionally beautiful.

She hadn't touched her phone much all day.

She knew without looking that on the day of her mishap, many people must have been looking for her.

She fished out her phone from her bag, and the screen suddenly lit up.

A woman wearing a bikini entered her field of vision.

The woman had just emerged from the azure waters, her body soaked, with wet hair clinging to her soft and delicate skin.

Like a goddess emerging from water, bewitching and seemingly dripping with tenderness.

The devilish figure need not be mentioned; not a single man, nor a woman, could resist drooling over it.

Wen Xian looked at the screen and suddenly brought her crimson lips close, kissing it: "Mmm, I'm the most beautiful woman in the world."

After facial recognition succeeded, a flood of WeChat messages and missed calls came into view.

Wen Xian lay in bed and started checking messages expressionlessly, but as she did so, she suddenly felt something was off.

A moment later, her hand froze.

As if realizing something, she paused for a moment then promptly turned off the phone screen.

When it lit up again, the woman on the screen, in a bikini and a devilish body, had a soul-enticing gaze—


Wen Xian abruptly sat up, as if a drum were beating frantically in her heart.

Oh boy! She knew something wasn't quite right.


He must have seen it!

Did he already see her lock screen while checking her phone!?